Mixed bales of clothes wholesale
If you are looking for a supplier of mixed bales of clothes, we with pleasure will provide this service. We have experience in preparing mixed bales of clothes for almost every country in the world, so we can tell you've come to the right place if you want to import clothing increased from United States (USA).
Among our leading products have mixed bales of clothes, both large bales and small bales. We can offer small mixed bales Premium quality winter (aka: Diamond Quality # 1 or AAA). Mixed bales of winter clothes for children in small bales, mixed bales tropical and summer and many other formats we developed at the request of our customers.
We also offer all kinds of Light Clothes for Hot Climates or summer which includes: Dress Shirts and Casual, polo shirts, Trousers, Men Apparel, Clothing Summer Mixed for Men, Casual and Cotton Blouses Ladies all kinds, skirts or Sayas of all kinds, a variety of dresses of many types, models Dress, Casual, for the Journal, Shorts for Ladies and Gentlemen, T-Shirts, Overalls Bathrooms, Mixed Summer Clothing 50% and 50% Lady Caballero, etc.
We are in the ability to ship orders to anywhere in the world as long as his country accept our merchandise.
We like the idea of ​​collaborating with our clients to render them more money making great savings and a good return on investment. So we have the best clothes at the best prices.
Please contact us and let us your order either mixed bales of clothes or any of our products. If you wish, you can visit our stores located in Miami and so check with your own eyes the quality of our clothes and volume of clothes in bales we handle.